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Monday, March 2, 2015

Sophie and Rhys Quirks

So we occasionally address teaching a table manner here and there in this house though one may not know this by watching our family eat.  This is why I am telling you.  Recently we covered "What to do with your napkin." I learned a few things myself.  One of which was that the napkin is placed on your lap after the prayer has been said. If no prayer is said, you watch the host and follow his or her lead.

Sophie has become the napkin police.  This is what we call her.  She is watching just waiting to pounce on whoever moves their napkin to their lap before the prayer or put the napkin on the wrong side of the fork.  Given how insanely attentive she is to this subject, it amazes me that so many napkins are left on the floor after a meal.  By the way, the napkin is to be placed to the right of your plate when you are finished.

Sophie is really into writing lately.  I think in a Fancy Nancy book the idea of a diary was mentioned and she ran with it.  She is "in love" with a boy in her class.  This one she has been stuck on longer than the usual few days...hours....What can I say, young love is fickle. Anyway she thinks she has to write his name and heart on every page of her diary.  He doesn't know she thinks "he's handsome" because she learned in 1st grade you don't tell your boyfriends you love them or they treat you awful mean or ignore you completely.  Ouch!  So they never know.  But she told his mom because she is the speech therapist at the same school.  Somethings are just to good to keep secret, I guess.

Anyway back to writing--the diary has been on hold for a little while because now she has started a collection of poems, most from Fancy Nancy books. 
Most of them are real gems like this one...
Okay, so she has been steadily losing teeth. The last one her teacher, Mrs. Steele, pulled out in class at the beginning of January, when looking at her snaggletooth, she said, "Sophie, your tooth is going to poke me in the eye. Come here."

Well the other front tooth got really loose over the weekend and although Keri gave it a good go on Saturday night, the tooth remained.  Before going to school the next day, Sophie shared an original work from her poems book.
Guess who?
She's nice
Guess who?
She pulled my tooth out
Guess who?
Mrs. Steele!

Well Mrs. Steele did our dirty work again! Sophie left school with a larger gap in her smile.  I told Mrs. Steele that I had loosened it for her. Didn't want her to pull a muscle or anything.  She was loving that Sophie wrote a poem about her and shared it with her that day.  Yep, Sophie's pretty much awesome.
 Rhys' gets so into playing with his action figures or thinking of them that he starts to whisper, not quietly, everything he is imagining and thinking.  He's got some really great stories and ideas going but BEWARE! If you take notice he is doing this or comment or question any of it, behold, you will receive the wrath of Rhys. We are not suppose to notice his rambunctious whispering.  Okay.  Whatever.  He has been informed that if he says it aloud we are allowed to notice.  If he doesn't want us to notice, he must only say it in his head. 

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