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Saturday, September 25, 2021

The World Needs More Banjo

 So this happened.

I love the sound of the banjo. I have no musical talent. I want to combine these two ideas. Just hearing it make me happy so I can't lose. 

My Uncle Bill played in the Generic Band doing gigs in the local area and practicing in his garage. That is where I was introduced to the banjo. They were singing Rocky Top and I was watching his fingers fly and hearing that twang and I was in love.

A few years ago we visited The Banjo Museum in Oklahoma City and I thought it would be fun some day to have one. The thought never left my mind and when I saw a used banjo by a trusted brand in great condition available somewhere in North Carolina, I took a deep breath and jumped on it.

After two sessions with a bad teacher, I decided to learn over the internet for now and just have fun with it. The only thing is cats. Why can't they leave me alone.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Happenings Around Home

 Preying Mantis love fest on the side of our beehive

Bees getting a drink from our fish/water plant barrels
The girls hanging out and dust bathing in our vegetable garden
Bees hating on Neal
Painting more beehive boxes, mint green this time