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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

On Monday evening we had a great discussion at Family Home Evening about leprechaun traps and then we talked about the traps Satan sets for us by telling us lies (Go ahead and hit your kid/sibling--that'll show them, you're friends won't like you and will be embarrassed by you if you leave this inappropriate movie, there is no Christ, you've messed up so bad you can't talk to your Heavenly Father, nobody is watching so just do it, etc.). We talk about the feelings we get when Satan tries to pull us down and trap us.  We talked about how those feelings, that "stinkin' thinkin'" is a red flag that Satan is at work. 

We talked about what Heavenly Father thinks of us, even as the imperfect humans we are.  We talked about the feelings of the Holy Ghost communicating warning, truth, and comfort. It was a great discussion. 

I love that as we have consistently tried our best to teach our children the gospel and work on our own spirituality, our kids have been more receptive to our gospel discussions and actually take part and add to them.  It's taken a long while but the little moments we see it blessing our family, is worth it.

Well, after that we moved on to creating the leprechaun trap with the ideas the family has been suggesting over the past week or so.  Sophie wanted answers.  She left a note asking how old the leprechaun was, a mini flashlight to read it by, mint chocolate chips for him to eat, and a blanket for a soft landing.  Nicest captors ever, I'd say.

Strike a pose!

But even with everyone wishing us luck, he got away.  Once up he pulled the ladder up, climbed down into the trap, answered the note, ate chips, and pulled the blanket out to jump down on to get out.  And then proceeded to scatter and wind green streamers throughout the entire house-laundry room, closets! What a mess!

Rhys just waking.

Turned our milk green, once again, as we poured it.

Before departing for work and school we knelt for family prayer which was offered by Sophie and included, "And please bless the leprechaun to stay out of mischief."  Love her.

Upon leaving for school, we found green balloons in the back of the minivan, as he did once before.

Crazy thing is a leprechaun got into Rhys' kindergarten class as well.  He was super naughty--dumping trash, taking toys.  What a goober!  The kids are really hoping he brings back the train tracks and play food or at least just hid them somewhere.  We talked about it with his teacher at Open House.  

On the walk home, I did not wear any green and Sophie playfully pinched me.  Rhys following her lead, pinched too, but Oooweee! He took just a little skin and left a bruise!  Then we had a great discussion about gentleness.  It was seriously due to a lack of experience pinching, thankfully, and not a mean spirit.

Tomorrow I am making our St. Patty's dinner.  To avoid stress and perfectionism, I totally give myself permission to do things when they are most convenient for me.  With open house and then later, a church activity for the women, we moved that dinner to tomorrow.  It is Springtime Barley and Mushroom Soup with Whole Wheat Irish Soda Bread. The soup has leeks, asparagus, and fennel. I'm using currants for the first time in my life, instead of raisins in the bread. I am really looking forward to it. If I'm feeling really amazing I might post a picture of it here later but don't cry a river if it doesn't happen. 

So I posted to Facebook, some of the fun we were having and some were saying what a fun and awesome mom I am.  My response: "The flip side will shortly come. Once they figure out a leprechaun is not real then their whole world will fall apart because the Easter Bunny, Santa, the tooth fairy, and the switch witch are all a sham and mom will seem like a lying devil whose sucked the fun out of their life! But until then... :-) "  I liked by sister's suggestion: "Let Neal break the news to them."

In other news, it was beautiful today! And the Dallas Morning News posted this:
Tuesday's forecast: High of 79. Mostly cloudy early, then partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. If you find a stray thunderstorm, take him in an have him checked for a microchip. His parents are probably worried sick.

Is that not funny?!  I love that.  We didn't get any rain today but enjoyed some walks. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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