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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and Day

Christmas Eve was pretty great. Neal came home at lunch and "worked from home" until 3:00. Keri got and Rhys got an afternoon nap. And Opa and Oma showed up at dinner with a Honey-Baked ham and yummy sides.

After dinner, we started making cookies for the family and Santa. It was a half homemade/half store bought undertaking. All the girls helped.
The boys talked cameras and techy language.
After the cookies were set out on racks to cool, we opened a few presents and played with toys.
Then we finished up the melted snowman cookies (got the idea here). We set one out for Santa and some carrots on the back porch for his reindeer.
It was starting to get late for the kids so we used The Nativity, a short 5-minute video and our nativity set to tell the story of Jesus' birth. We love this because it's short, hands on, and visual and shares the true spirit of Christmas. With the kids in bed, Neal and Keri got to chat a little more with Rudy and Becky before calling it a night.
Cute couples!
Christmas morning started later than we expected which was perfectly fine with Neal and Keri. The kids got up at 7:45 instead of the usual 7:00. Despite the increase of presents under the tree, Sophie was not satisfied that Santa had come until she saw that the reindeer had eaten their carrots and Santa had eaten his cookie.
Cheesy pose with gift pictures! We take them every year!
Following gift opening, we prepared and ate a yummy breakfast of cinnamon french toast, sausage, and fruit salad with a dollop of natural yogurt--which Rhys sported as a Santa beard and mustache!We spent the day watching movies and playing with toys. When evening came, we didn't feel like making dinner so we hit the drive thru at Jack in the Box and then headed to see the Christmas lights in a particular neighborhood.

We had a great Christmas and hope you did too! Merry Christmas!


Lois Lane said...

Love that santa picture of Rhys! Looks like you had a great night, day, and night! Merry Christmas!

Bethann said...

Sounds like such a great christmas,...but.....Jack in the Box???? REALLY?????