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Friday, December 17, 2010

Enjoying Ourselves

We've been having some fun at our house.
Don we now our gay apparel...Those sparkly red shoes, Sophie refers to as her "fancy shoes" and she will wear them with clothes that clash if left unattended.The grandparents gave the kiddies advent calendars with candy so at least once a day, Rhys is a chocolaty mess and chocolate drool is on our tile.
Sophie and Rhys made Christmas ornaments for their friends. This was easy, cute, and the kids liked getting the paint on their hands. Got the idea from here.
Sophie had her preschool Christmas party and got to wear her pajamas (all day actually). That is Sienna and that little boy is Ben and she thinks he is the coolest! Behind Ben is Evie, his sister.
We've spent some time baking up sweets too. And by "we," I mean mostly Neal, of course. Snickerdoodles, chocolate chip walnut cookies, fudge, and peanut brittle thus far.


karen said...

ohh, im totally going to copy your ornament idea for next year ! what a great gift idea for the grandparents.. :) and thanks for the link to that blog !!

how are you guys ? looks like everything is going well !!

Lois Lane said...

Sophie has the look of admiration in the picture of the kids in their pjs!