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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rhys and Sophie Quirks

Rhys' new joys are banging things with his hands and shaking the heck out of his toys. He also giggles at just about anything. He is so big and strong that he is able to skooch his exersaucer around as if it were some unpersuasive walker, just by throwing his weight around in it. He loves his baby food. He is starting to form his own opinions and expresses that he is mad about his toys or bottle being taken away. He puts himself to sleep by throwing his blanket over his head, which we reposition later. He still has a small bald spot on the back of his head. He is teething again and is the king of drool. He has not yet caught on that one's bum must be up in the air to achieve crawling position.

Sophie likes to run around in circles and dance and be noisy. Whenever she is in Daddy's arms she feels the need to point out that he has a logo on his shirt. She loves collecting and exploring goodies on her walks like pine cones, dried-up, dead worms, and such. She wakes up between 2-7 times a night to make our lives difficult. She likes taking her brother's toys. She starts all her prayers with "Heavenly Father, thank you for [to]day. Thank you for Kenzie, Kari, and Carter (our family friends) and if ever she runs out of things to talk to God about, she will repeat her gratitude for them again and again. When she is having it rough, she will try to be nice by screaming, "Go Away Please!!!" The "please" is the only mildly nice thing in that statement. She has the best fake laugh ever--"hehehe, hehehe."

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