Quote of the Blog

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's The Little Things That Matter

Please leave a comment telling us something simple that brings you pleasure. Don't put friends or family because we already know that's the most important. Tell us what else brings a smile to your face.

If you don't usually leave us comments, now would be a great time to start. With all the yucky stress entering our lives right now, we are trying to concentrate on the positive and we need your help. Share what makes you happy.

We'll start. Keri - being tucked in at night, even being in my 30s. Also colorful autumn leaves. Neal - a good scalp scratch. Sophie - our cat, no doubt. Rhys - being naked.


Bethann said...

i love laughing. nothing can change the week, day, minute like a good laugh.

Stephanie said...

Happiness is brought to me...when our 2 yr old twins love on each other...when Shelbie tells us a homemade joke that is not funny at all...when I see gerber daisys...when I hear the primary kids sing...when I "hang out" with my friends...

Kira Oreol said...

Seeing little old couples, married 60+ years, still holding hands. My ferrets. A random greeting card. Snowy days. Hot chocolate.

The Lanoy Family said...

Long car rides to no where, ice cream, chocolate, good chick fliks, the smell of fresh rain, and the funny things our kids do or say almost on a daily bases. Love u guys we r praying for u. Jon and Erin

Kira Oreol said...

Taking a moment to look up at the beautiful stars on a clear night like tonight.

Grandma said...

Wakeing up to the songs of the birds at first light. Also walking the pier watching the waves crash into the shore line, going to the end and looking for dolphins. Sitting on a back porch watching the humming birds fight over the food and peeing on my daughter. (I liked that one best) sorry Kira but it was funny.

BeckyVDU said...

Being in California enjoying 70 degree weather when it's 19 or 20 back home. Hearing Sophie say "again" or "I need help" in her cute little voice. Playing "catchphrase" with family, watching everyone get so excited when they just know they can describe the phrase. Seeing a random, beautiful butterfly flying in my backyard when it shouldn't be there.

Janelle said...

Oh my, so many things! Its great being easily amused! :D
Here are a few things that YOU can enjoy as well! ;)
Amish Paradise by Weird Al. ALWAYS cracks me up! So dumb, I know!
And this one is a for SURE laugh getter, no matter what for me! When I am in a horrible mood, Kenny always comes through! :D
www.menwholooklikekennyrogers.com, and go to the photo gallery. It NEVER gets old!

Grandma said...

anything by Weird Al. ALWAYS cracks me up!

mightygoode said...

Crawling into freshly laundered sheets for the night after a shower. Hearing my children laugh. Getting mail (not bills). A good long talk with a good friend. Creating something. Sports. Skype with the family!Painting nails with Ella. Ice cream. Seeing my roses bloom. Helping. Hot chocolate and a fire. Swimming. Being alive. Surprising friends by actually checking their blog!

Ann said...

A warm shower when it's cold outside, a great bowl of ice cream, snuggles.

Toni said...

Betty Crocker Brownies! Is there anything better? Oh just one thing, beating our friends at Scrabble or Taboo.

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

1.)Good shows that make me laugh-- 30 Rock, The Office.
2.) Going back to my favorite movies, time and time again-- You've Got Mail, While You Were Sleeping, etc.
3.) Great literature to entertain me over and over again-- Harry Potter anyone?

Chadna said...

Staying up too late laughing in bed with Chad. The OFFICE!! :) A good book to read when a baby is sleeping. Adelyn falling asleep on my chest. Bluebell Icecream!!

Jamie said...

The sight of Abby dancing (we are not a coordinated family), warm brownies, the sunset, the beach, any of my kid's belly laughs, great music (Neil Diamond! :) ) etc., etc.

Kristie K. said...

jumping in rain puddles with my sons, mormon commercials, bike rides to the beach.

gina.vidal said...

Watching my dogs, Lucky and Sammy, stretch their bodies after they wake up....so cute and funny. It makes me smile every single time. Also, watching my husband bop his head to the Free Credit Report. com commercial song. He loves that song...well, at least the older one where they're dressed up like pirates.