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Sunday, October 11, 2009

October Horror!

So this morning, our family was running a touch late for church. About 5 minutes before we usually leave, Keri was applying make-up and Neal was freshening up at his sink when we heard the sound of breaking glass. We looked down to find Sophie had snagged a nail polish bottle from Keri's open make-up drawer and it had slipped from her grasp.

We were all barefoot. Neal and I looked at the blood-like mess before our eyes and then at each other with a bit of bewilderment. Where to start? Neal told Sophie not to move and picked up visible pieces of glass while I got shoes on. Then he took Sophie to her bathtub while I wiped up the little puddles of polish with old rags. In no time the polish had dried on the floor, cabinets, and Sophie.

In the end we put Sophie in tights because her legs looked like she was part of a violent crime scene. We decided to clean her and the bathroom and her tub up when we got back. Anytime her legs were uncovered she would tell us she was hurt. With A LOT of scrubbing we were able to get it off the tiles, some off the tub, and all of it off her. She explained that she was "all better" once the polish was scrubbed off her. The cabinets still need a bit of work.

I had several bottles of pail, sheer polish in that drawer. But no! The diva went for red.Gory!The bottom of her tub.

In other news, the missionaries from our church stopped by a little over a week ago unannounced. In place of white shirts and ties were T-shirts and jeans. They said they were hoping that we had some work for them to do. Besides proselyting, the elders of our church also do volunteer work to serve their fellowman.

Neal and Keri had been talking about the yard work to be done this fall so Keri put them to work. They trimmed some trees and weeded our front flowerbeds. We were so thankful. They also saw the disaster area on the side of our house that we had not tended since moving here over 3 years ago. They offered to come back on an appointed Saturday to lend a hand.

Yesterday, Neal, Keri, and two awesome missionaries trimmed trees, weeded, trimmed bushes, and bagged and bundled the yard waste for pick-up. It looks SO different! The bushes were so overgrown that we did not know where the flower bed border was until cutting back a SIGNIFICANT amount of vegetation. You can now walk between our house and the neighbor's fence without the foreboding of bodily harm. We were able to save the sage, mint, and rosemary. If you ever need those fresh herbs just let us know. We'd be glad to snip some for you.

We finished out the weekend with a visit from Opa and Oma. We had not seen them for quite a few weeks because of illness and schedule conflicts. It was good to catch-up and have dinner together. Neal made his "Divine Chili."


Lois Lane said...

Children! Aren't they just fun! And way to go on completing your side yard project. And bonus the the missionaries helped!

Lisa said...

LOL! It really does look like Sophie's been in a horrible accident!