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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Highlights

During the day we visited In Sync, a big cat rescue. It was definitely not built with the public in mind, but the big cats that would need their help. We walked through muddy paths to check out all the big cats (they have 41 total). They have 3 white lions recovering from maltreatment. There are only 30 known white lions in the world. Sophie saw the tigers, cougars, and lions as well but was really fascinated by the two domestic cats and dog that wandered around the place. Admittedly, they were quite charming.Later in the afternoon, we went over to the carnival and trunk or treat at our church. Neal who jokingly named his beard Jedidiah, decided to go all the way with it and dressed as an Amish man. Which went perfectly with Rhys' costume, a goat. Ironically, Keri caught Neal on his cell phone and got a shot. Sophie, dressed as Pooh Bear, really embraced Halloween this year. She had been practicing saying "trick or treat" and thanked all givers of candy. Then we made it over to Oma and Opa's house to show off the kids.After a few pieces of candy and some photo opts, we were on our way over to the trunk or treat put on by our friend's congregation. Sophie made the rounds, Rhys got held by Grandma J, and we got to chat with our CA friends and enjoy their costumes.Back at home, Neal took Sophie around to a few of our neighbors while Keri handed out candy to trick or treaters. It was a full day and a lot of fun.


Kristie K. said...

Is your baby a goat??? That is awesome! and i love the girl with the giant powder puff head. Your kids are cute, love the bags that are homemade and your hair looks super cute short!!! sexy mama!
i am also super jealous of that awesome pumpkin place.

glad you guys had a great season...miss you

karen said...

Fun ! Love the outfits. I should have dressed up this year but couldn't think of something awesome. How are you ? How's life with two kids ? Things are good. Chris was gone 4 weekends out of 5 in Oct ! Busy month. We will have to get together soon.