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Saturday, July 14, 2018

July 12-14

My cousin, Barbara, showed our family this little hike that leads to a waterfall. There were hundreds of wasps but they liked the sun and we liked the shade so it turned out not to be an issue. We splashed around and could even step behind the waterfall. The adventuous kids took off to make their way to the top of the falls and Barabara went after them to assist her youngest. They came down with dirty bums!

Later that evening, we went to a play put on at the local church by the singles group, The Little Mermaid. Our family favored the villains.

July 13
We headed out to the Hill Aerospace Museum, our third this summer, to check out the planes. Saw another B-29 and the very large B-52 which had wheels on the wings, it was so big. We watched and had little choice but to hear the jets flying and taking off/landing at the base.

Then we made a stop at Deseret Industries Thrift Store to see what could be found. The kids each got toys and I had my on a mumu dress but felt I should hold off until my 60s. I hadn't been to a DI since I was 10 or under.

That evening we visited my other cousin, Elsie, and her family. It was a younger cousin's birthday so we celebrated their. The kids enjoyed playing with even MORE cousins, using the homemade zipline, and shooting bottle rockets, while I enjoyed catching up with family and holding chickens.

July 14
We boarded a plane in Salt Lake City and flew to Washington to see the Percy family.
Not flying first class

Mt. Rainier

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