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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Farwell to Summer

This summer has been wonderful for a lot of reasons but the cooler temperatures this year have been a real blessing.  It has also increased our desire to get and stay outdoors without feeling like wilted, squashed cabbage leaves.

What has happened this summer? Concerts in the park, swimming, splash parks, sand parks, weekly $1 movies, bowling, play dates with cousins, our public library's reading program, children's events at the library, cooking, building indoor forts, drawing, and chances to serve in our community and church.

We also set off a rocket the kids got for Christmas and found it traveled a lot further than we thought and that it was illegal to set it off where we did. Oops!  No citations, just better planning next time--as we have two rockets and lots of chances to send them up.

We also got out the the Dallas Arboretum during their $1 days to explore their new Children's Adventure area.

A real big deal this summer is that Sophie took the leap and started riding her bike all on her own.  She had been using training wheels up until summer started and we took the pedals off so she could practice balancing and gliding.  She also improved balance by using the scooter.

Then upon one of our practice sessions with the pedals back on we were headed around a small park,  Rhys, with his training wheels, was squeaking his horn with reckless abandon. I was providing some verbal guidance and encouragement, but not too much, I thought, when Sophie respectfully said, "I just need Rhys to STOP honking his horn and I want you to just leave me alone."  So as an unintentional helicopter parent, I moved off into the distance and continued my walk, when I hear not 5 minutes later, "Mom! I'm riding my bike!"She has been riding great ever since and wanting to go quite far at our local parks.  Way to go, Sophie!

1 comment:

Kira Oreol said...

I'm glad we got to see you this summer. Love and miss you all. I think I have the best niece in the whole world and the coolest nephew (especially with the awesome new glasses) that ever lived.