Quote of the Blog

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day

We all slept well.  When everyone was out of bed, we let the kids unload their stockings first.  Rhys was not pleased that we had disrupted his usual morning routine of cartoons and breakfast and had to be coaxed into exploring his stocking. Sophie noticed Santa had accepted her gift and left not a crumb of the cookies.  She checked and saw that the reindeer had eaten all the carrots.
We had breakfast next.  Neal made up some hash browns and bacon while Keri made eggnog french toast. 

Then we helped the kids open their presents from family and Santa.
Then we were into our church clothes and off to a Christmas Sacrament meeting.  I know the clothes don't matter to God but everyone looked so merry in their holiday red and green.  It took some time for the priesthood holders to pass the sacrament as there was a lot of family visiting.  The music and narration of the Christmas story from the Book of Mormon and the Bible was beautiful.

Back at home we played with new toys and games, rested, and then started prepping dinner.  Rudy and Becky joined us after spending the morning in Louisiana and driving back to Plano.  We caught up on family and then sat down to Neal's choice for dinner--tamales (black bean, cheese, and chicken-tomatillo), Spanish rice, corn on the cob, and salad.
After dinner we opened presents from Oma and Opa, played games, ate sweets, including Neal's pie that turned out so yummy. It was a wonderful, low-key, joyous Christmas.

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