Quote of the Blog

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blunt Force Trauma

Today Rhys got to go to the hospital.  Neal was in the backyard with the kids and I was in the kitchen when I heard Rhys crying pretty hard.  He had left the backyard and made his way into the garage and to the door connecting it to our house dripping blood the whole way.  When I opened the door the red stuff helped me register that there was something wrong.  I quickly called Neal in for back up and we put pressure and ice on the wound until we could see what we were working with--a deep jagged gash on his chin.  These pictures were taken with my phone so I apologize for the quality but you get the idea.
Neither of us saw anything happen.  Neal was busy pulling out old tomato plants on the side of the back yard when whatever happened.  Later we looked and think it was an old bike he must have fell off of or something. 

We ended up at the ER and waited about 3 hours before they were able to stitch him up.  He had stopped crying back at home was was rather content waiting.  He even fell asleep during peak nap time hours for about 30 minutes.  The ER was crazy!  I got up once to change his diaper and there were no seats when I got back to the waiting area.  I later found out that they typically get 5 people per hour on a slow day and today they were getting about 30 people an hour! 

We finally got stitched up which was not fun for Rhys or Mommy!  Two inside and 5 more to close him up.  He did pretty good though and the man stitching him was sweating but being patient because Rhys was moving quite a bit.  He did a great job getting through it and was pleasant the rest of the day.  He occasionally tells us "ow" -- a total understatement!  Stitches should be out in about 6 days.  It's under his chin so scaring shouldn't be to noticeable. 

You're a trooper, Rhys!

1 comment:

Kristie K. said...

i have a scar on my chin too. But you got to warn me next time there is a picture like that. I have a week stomach ;)

Good to know about thank you day. I will work on that next dec 26th ;)