Quote of the Blog

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sophie Quirks

Watching her father lovingly care for her mother, Sophie now will offer to help mom up when dad is not around. Just figuring on the weight ratio of an adult vs. a toddler and then adding the fact that Keri is 9 months pregnant, it just doesn't seem doable. But Keri humors her anyway.

We finally have persuaded Sophie to take a baby doll along in the stroller instead of nothing when we go for a walk down our street. We want her to get used to the idea of a baby. Well, several times during the short walk, Sophie will peek in to see her baby doll and then roughs the hell out the stroller until the baby falls out. Then she puts her hands on her cheeks and exclaims, "Oh no!" Then abandons both baby and stroller quite contently. We are hoping her concern for her baby doll will change soon, real soon.

Seeing mommy getting dressed, Sophie wanted to put a bra on too. So she swiped an extra one off the dresser (because, yes Mom, I still don't put anything away) and put it on--over her head.

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