Quote of the Blog

Monday, May 18, 2009


Sunday afternoon the whole family enjoyed a nap...or so we thought. Sophie apparently slept or was quiet enough to trick us into thinking she was sleeping for 15 minutes or so. Neal slept for 20 minutes and Keri for an hour and a half (thanks sweetie!). After 20 minutes, Neal was awakened by Sophie trotting plastic farm animals over his face. When Keri awoke Neal suggested that she check out the guest bathroom to see what Sophie was up to while he and I were sleeping.

This is what we discovered... She had opened her closet door, dragged out the empty hamper basket into the hall and left it in the guest bathroom. Then she must have proceeded to empty the diaper stacker in her room and deposit them in the hamper...And the sink just for good measure. Heck, that's what we'd do with our time if we could find a moment to ourselves.

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