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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks to all the wonderful women in our lives and, especially, our own moms. You have made us better humans. Thus, we are learning to become better sons, daughters, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, friends, and citizens and so on. We love and appreciate you very much.

Earlier this week Keri received a special card from Sophie. It seems she was in cahoots with her Grandma Susan again. Thanks for the Chili's gift card. We love to eat and will use it soon. Also this Mother's Day morning Neal, yet again, let Keri sleep in, and then later was awakened by Sophie presenting her card and gift. The card was sweet, but sweeter yet was the gift--Sublime Chocolates!

These are very, very nice chocolates by a local chocolatier. I will be relishing 6 candies which include dark chocolate raspberry, the signature Sublime dark, caramel with sea salt, and solid dark chocolate with almonds. Sublime sells unique chocolates such as golden curry & coconut, white chocolate mango, and dark chocolate caliente.

Then, for breakfast, I was treated to cinnamon rolls, bacon, and a fresh fruit salad of blackberries, black grapes, and apple. Good Job, Sophie (and her little helpers)! The only thing Rhys gave me was kicks in the ribs but he will learn more about Mother's Day etiquette when he comes out.

At church we enjoyed speakers who taught us about the sanctity of women and all women ages 18 and up were presented with an instrumental CD.

All in all, this was a wonderful Mother's Day!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hey, I got an instrumental CD, too! Much better than last year's packet of talks on how to be a better mom.