Quote of the Blog

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Latitude 33.097078, Longitude -96.64474

So yesterday Neal had work off so we decided to have a bit of fun. He punched through some formula and came up with the coordinates seen in the title. He entered that into his GPS and we took off. This is how our journey went...
It started out so nice. We filled the tank and made sure we were all comfortable.
After some time on the main freeway we pulled off in the city of Sherman, population 37, 710. We went through downtown which had many bail bond businesses and an abandoned mill. After passing a few more dilapidated homes we headed out into the country, east of Sherman. A couple miles out of town, we pulled onto a country road and passed several old ranch homes. Nearing a turn in the road we came upon our destination. This...

See the horse that stared at us wondering what the heck we were doing out there?
So Keri suggested to Neal that he get Sophie out of the car so she could stretch her legs. And he had just done so when guess what came tearing across that field?
See that dog coming right for us. He's right between the horizontal bars of the fence; which, might we add, hold horses in but not dogs. His tail was wagging and his tongue was flopping out and he looked very happy to see us. Neal, being the protector of the family, asked that we get back in the car. He was already buckling-in Sophie. The dog seemed friendly as Keri was trying to get his head out of the way so she could close her car door. However, just as we got situated and the car doors closed several of his less friendly canine buddies joined in. Where they all came from we can't quite say. But there were about 7-8 barking, growling, unfriendly dogs surrounding the car, and every time we tried to move forward, they would chase us.
Except there was one or two especially intimidating ones that kept jetting in front of the car as if to herd us off the road. See that dog at the front corner of the car? He was really aggressive!
Anyway we finally pulled away without harm to us or the dogs and drove a short distance when we remembered the road had no outlet and we would have to turn around and face them again. But most had gone back to wherever they had come from and we were able to pass a couple others without any major conflict.

We just love adventure! How often do you wake up in the morning and think, "Hey, I wonder if I'll be chased by a wild pack of dogs today!" Besides, what a great story.


Stephanie said...

That is awesome! Your family life is so fun to read about!

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

very funny/stressful! You guys are the coolest.