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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

In Honor of our Chinese Ancestors

Okay, I think there is only a grand-aunt that was half Chinese but still....we celebrated Chinese New Year in a toned down fashion! On Saturday, we cleaned out and organized our food pantry and emergency food storage as well as another catch-all cupboard. This to honor the tradition of thoroughly cleaning one's house to get rid of the old and bad and to welcome in a fresh new year. Then Sunday, we invited Opa and Oma over for dinner and played a game of Uno (thanks for the salad and cake!). Neal made red beans and rice for the first time and it was very yummy and VERY filling. Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year Eve by having a feast and playing games with their family that evening. And on Monday, we ate Chinese food because we are too frugal to hand out red envelopes with money and because we love food. Actually, our friend Kari, made a stir-fry (thanks!) and we ate with chopsticks. Enjoy the Year of the Ox!

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