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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Butterflies and Blackbirds

So for a few months now, my kids, led by Rhys, have been playing this game while their parents  chauffeur them around.

White vehicles are butterflies.
Black vehicles are birds, blackbirds to be specific.
Red vehicles are strawberries.
Blue vehicles are monsters.

Butterflies eat strawberries and avoid birds and monsters.
Birds eat strawberries and butterflies, avoiding monsters.
Strawberries simply get eaten.
Monsters eat birds and butterflies, with strawberries having not been mentioned.
(UPDATE 2/13/14: Strawberries are fair game.)

If we are moving the game is in session.  If we come to a stop, the game is on pause, like we can't see each other, so we are "safe."

Occasionally I change lanes to avoid birds and monsters.  I love hearing the biting and chewing and "nom, nom, nom" noises coming from the backseat.  So cute.

Recently with our accident, though, we have changed from a butterfly to a rented bird and I must say, I like our chances much better.  There has been a whole lot more chomping and lip smacking coming from the back of the car.

1 comment:

Anjuli said...

LOVE IT! But please don't teach it to my children. We point out enough car colors as it is. However, we like yellow, green, orange, pink and silver.