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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

All You Need Is Love

The Beatles lied when they wrote that song because Valentine's is so much more fun with mindless, frivolous distractions! Before our Valentine's week even started our family had planned to spread some love.  The PTA was selling candy grams to be delivered to kids in class on Valentine's day.  We gathered our loose change into a pile and made special arrangements with Sophie's classroom teacher and the school counselor to anonymously have candy grams given to several kids that were least likely to get one but need that love the most.

As Valentine week got started we were getting our Valentine goodies ready for the big day. " I have to write my name how many times?!"  "But I don't like her. I don't want to give her a Valentine."  Isn't it great how this commercial holiday gives us opportunities to practice basic academic and social skills!  Some good discussion was had, like, "Yeah, she is a real jerk! But if you want to get lots and lots of valentines then you have to give everyone a valentine. Let's not forget the point of the holiday is to get lots of candy and goodies, okay?!"  Okay, maybe not exactly like that.

They were very pleased with the outcome of their extra cool Valentines and mommy was happy that we didn't add to the sugar craze by handing out more candy. Not that we didn't have our own plans for sugar.
Above: lip whistle. Below: capsules that enlarge into wild animal shaped sponges.
Early in the week we also attended a Valentine's Tea at our local public library (love them!). Rhys did not want to get in a dress shirt even but Sophie got all dressed up for the occasion.  Mommy even let her wear rouge and light lipstick.  With tiara in place (no joke) we were on our way.

They did a great job and had plenty of crafts to create Valentine cards and goodies. They offered pink lemonade and a pink or red swirled cookie to enjoy while sitting on the designated sparkly carpet.  We also got to shoot photos expressing our love!  These were taken with Daddy in mind.

The day before Valentines Day was Rhys' preschool day so he got to exchange goodies and show everyone.  I have to say that valentines are not what they used to be back when I was a kid--they are so much more!  Candy and goodies!  We got a piece of paper with a nice sentiment on it. Our family also readied the house with décor, baked and decorated heart shaped cookies, and read Valentine's Day theme books.  I adore the Dollar Tree! For four bucks our dining room looked like a million! And going back to the cookie decorating, I would like to note that "sprinkles" implies sprinkling. Our kids were certainly caught up in the creation process and went straight for dumping

On Valentine morning, we gave gifts this time.  Rhys has been wanting a CTR ring which stands for Choose the Right so he got that.  Sophie has been in princess mode and wanting a special Valentine's Day dress, which I had already purchased for $7 at a consignment shop, before she even mentioned it.  Yes, her mom is that awesome (regardless of what she realizes).  So she got that. With help form daddy (who bought me flowers a week earlier because he knows I would fuss about paying Valentine Day prices), the kids got me a adorable Willow Tree figure which I collect sparingly.  Neal got a pair of blue level cufflinks because he fixes things from light switches to bruised egos.

Sophie was feeling particularly princess-like in her "Valentine dress" and with a lot of patience, on both our parts, we even did her hair in hearts!

Valentine's day was even more awesome for Sophie and Neal as this was the day he chose to volunteer as the school's Watch Dog. These fathers and father figures are the "heroes of the hallways" at our elementary school.  Last time he had the tedious task of removing staples form the hall bulletin boards for a good part of his day.  With the parties today, he will be able to witness the unadulterated sugar rush of elementary kids for the last half.

Our family tradition is to have a fancy dinner on this holiday.  This means we break out the candlesticks.  We were going to have a heart healthy meal but frozen kale and spinach stuffed ravioli with red sauce and buttery garlic bread seemed so much less trouble, we went with it!
Hope you had fun getting sucked into Valentine's Day.  We love you family and friends! Thanks for those who sent Valentine wishes!

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