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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Keri Celebrates Another Birthday

I got my birthday off to a great start!  I got my teeth cleaned! I know, this is not super cool but for me I am without my kids, listening to the funniest dental hygienist alive, and doing something healthy for myself.  I actually look forward to it!

Spent the day baking my Black Forest cake with the kids, reading a wonderful book, and going for a short outing at the local stone dam.  It was great.  House looked terrible and I reminded myself, it would still be there the next day.
I was gifted with kitchen wares from my sweet husband, and my kids got me gum (Rhys' favorite thing) and a baby themed snow globe (so I could think about the day Sophie was born).  They also got me blank note cards with a little direction from daddy.  They used their own money and I loved their selections.
That evening I blew out the candles and ate the yummy cake, which Neal said tasted like cherry cough syrup, before heading out.  The kids swam and visited with Oma and Opa while Neal and I got dinner and did low key things without the kids.  I wanted to go the library with him and to plan out some changes for the house.  We returned to two completely worn out kids that were nodding off.
We ended the evening by slipping the kids into bed and medicating poor Sophie as we found she was fighting a fever.  I  finished the book I was reading and went to sleep.  Didn't even bother to get up and run the next morning.  Great day!

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