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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sophie Turns 5!

We had to visit the store the day before to fill some very specific requests from the birthday girl.  She wanted "box cereal" or "crunchy cereal" (since oatmeal is common fare in our home) and jello, strawberry jello.

So the morning of her birthday she enjoyed a nice, big bowl of some random General Mills cereal with a target audience of preschool aged children.  Then we were off to the mall to play in their play area.  She often requests "the mall" as an outing option but unless the weather is unbearable I usually take them outdoors.  It was a win-win, though, as it was her birthday and a high temperature day.

For lunch we had what she requested, strawberry jello and kale chips.  We also added in a light pink, chilled watermelon soup but she was unimpressed.

We had friends to play with in the afternoon as E. and C., the kids I sometimes watch, were over and were sweet to bring her birthday presents. 

Once they were picked up  and Neal was home, we headed over to Jason's Deli, or as Sophie calls it, "Jason's Jelly", for dinner.  This was, again, at her request.

Then we were welcomed at Oma and Opa's home because she wanted to go swimming.  Sophie is really doing so great in the pool lately.  She is quite the comfortable fish.  She is putting her face in the water, jumping without someone to jump to, and just having fun.
After a quick change of clothers we were ready to open presents.  Thanks to all who gave her goodies. She was happy with all her presents and cards. Yet, wouldn't you know it, the thing she has been glued to the most has been a cheesy, plastic, non-functioning computer laptop toy that was part of a kid's meal that was given to her. Not even a birthday gift--more of an afterthought. Gotta love kids!
We gathered in the dining room to sing "Happy Birthday" to our wonderful little girl. Instead of cake, this year she had s'more brownies with girly, pastel marshmallows.  They were incredibly blah.We're glad we opened presents first. With the sticky fingers that resulted, undoing gift wrap may have proven disasterous.
She was out before we even got home.  She woke at 5 a.m. and came out to interrupt me while doing a stretch DVD to ask what?  Where the no-good toy computer was?  Could I get it out of the car?...She was sent back to bed.  Then at 7 a.m., when I returned she went out and got it first thing.

We love Sophie so much.  The reasons we love her are often the same ones that aggrevate us at times--her endless energy, her spontenaety, her non-stop gab.  Sophie is a sweetheart and is a good big sister.  She looks after and includes her brother. She can throw attitude like a pro when she wants to.  She is inquisitive and loves learning as long as it is disquised as fun and play.  Sophie is loud.  She is excited to go and runs full speed, although, we think much of the time, she is not sure where she is going.  Not that important to her.  She has eyes and a smile that just beam with joy.  She has amazing memory and will recall incidents for good or evil, months down the line--sometimes over a year.  Sophie is an amazing kid and we are overjoyed that we get to be her parents.  Now if she would accept our guidance and have us out of her way, she'd be estatic.

Happy Birthday, Sophie!  You have all our love.

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