Quote of the Blog

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Keri Turns 38!

I really lay claim to an entire week when my birthday comes around.  If anything fun or good happens coincidentally, I associate it with celebrating my birthday.  I am one lucky girl!  We went out for all-you-can-eat french toast at a local bakery on Saturday and I designate that as my birthday kick-off.  We attend the concert in the park, a family summer ritual, and I recognize they are playing for me and just look how many people showed up!  See, I am totally blessed.

Still, my dear family felt they wanted to do even more for me and my loving husband arranged babysitting and took me out to lunch on Monday (thanks Kari!) On the day of my birthday, he gave me my present--an MP3 player and clip on earphones so I can enjoy music while I jog (or turn the volume way up and rock myself in a dark corner to escape my angel babies--don't judge).  He even had my music on it and programed to go.  Isn't he romantic?!  We also went to my favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner.  I also enjoyed calls and Facebook posts from family and friends.

After my birthday, my husband was going to make me iced whole wheat cinnamon rolls--my only request.  I love cinnamon rolls!  But then I changed my request that he not make them because I abused myself with brownies--truly a bummer for me.  But I acknowledge the wrong and move forward.

Given that I ate my way through my birthday, I gave myself a gift--I found a running partner to run with twice a week.  Her name is Cherri, as in the fruit.  I know her from scrapbook nights at Kari's and she is in my church's stake (a unit of several congregations within a geographical area).  She is under 5 feet tall so I thought I would not have trouble keeping up with her but truly, we are well matched.  Now to burn off all the birthday celebration calories.

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