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Monday, December 23, 2019

More Christmas Happenings

We attended our congregation's Christmas party which was a journey to Bethlehem in which all families were given a pouch of coins and we had to go from place to place in the market to buy produce, beverages, meat, bread, etc. for our dinner. Some larger families did not have enough money for their numbers and would have to earn it by singing to the elders of our congregation. Once just about everyone was seated on blankets on the floor and eating, we listened to the Christmas story with accompanying shadow pictures, sang hymns, and visited.  It was a lot of work and was conducive to the spirit but I was glad our part was small--we made baked goods and decorated the bakery in the market.

I've been reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens to ghe kids and it is a mouthful but such a good message of how Christ's atonement can change us. (Update: It took a lot to finish, as the kids were not as interested in it as The Greatest Christmas Pageant Ever, it being more funny. Finished the thrid ghost on Christmas Eve and read his new life on Christmas day which seems fitting.)

Also, almost synonymous with Christmas is a release of the Star Wars movie! We got our tickets early and went to see the Rise of Skywalker which was super good. 

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