Quote of the Blog

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Just Going to Leave This Here...

Neal posted this to Facebook after seeing the achievements of our family. You'll see why I love him.

My amazing wife, Keri, has made several posts the last couple of days touting some of the recent accomplishments of our family. Rhys getting his Webelos in cub scouts, Sophie getting a beekeeping scholarship, and me completing a 5k. Whats not talked about in those posts is the work involved and who guided and helped in a lot of that work. Keri has been driving Sophie to the beekeeping meetings, assisting her with the application process, driving her to the interviews, and providing coaching and support. It's Keri that's been working hard with Rhys to complete his Webelos badge in just 6 months, making sure he is staying on track and doing the required work, taking him to cub scouts for 2 1/2 years, helping him when things got hard. It's Keri that got up with me every morning at 5:30 to run, motivated me when I was feeling down, woke me up to run when it was too hot, too, cold, or too whatever and I didn't want to get out of bed. All these things are happening because of an amazing wife, mother, and friend. Not all heroes wear capes, but most of them go by the name of wife and mother. I love you, Keri, and thank you for all you sacrifice each day for our family.

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