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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Visit

Tonight we dyed eggs, watched bible videos about the Last Supper and Christ's experience in the Garden of Gethsemane, and enjoyed a visit from Oma and Opa who provided Easter buckets to Sophie and Rhys. Thank so much!  Then I got to read Bill Peet's The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg which Grandma sent from her Bill Peet collection. Whew! Great night!

In other news, today I mowed the "lawn" to give my kids a fighting chance in the event the Easter bunny comes this weekend. Most eventful mowing yet...in order of least to most concern: 1. the end of a stick flies up and stabs me in the calf leaving a bleeding knot, 2. twice coming within one foot of sucking an adorable young bunny into my mower (the substantial weeds hid it but oh my he was cute), 3. while emptying the bag, hearing several loud blasts (shock and awe?) and over a loud speaker "This is the police. We have a search warrant. Keep your hands where we can see them" repeated 2-3 times, not too distant.  Went inside for a little while after that one.

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