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Monday, April 13, 2015

Camping Getaway

So we ditched school and work for family camping with the Hancocks at Lake Ray Roberts. We got to try out our new tent, taste Neal's amazing marshmallows in dark chocolate s'mores, and get gritty playing on playgrounds, testing the lake's waters, running hills, playing Frisbee, and walking and scootering about.

It was chilly the first night and windy.  Before heading to bed a huge ruckus was made in the brush near our tents revealing 2-3 armadillo.  The do not know how to forage quietly.  It's just not in them.

Neal had to restake parts of the tent twice.  Apparently the train rolls through from 2 a.m. on blasting it's horn through a set of intersections, I guess.  Thank goodness for Neal's warmed breakfast burritos to warm the hands and the belly.

Spent most of Friday soaking in the sun at the playgrounds and lake.  Saw swallows nests all over the picnic area. We were sure we saw a large cat's prints down by the lake but the ranger told us they had no reports so it was probably a dog.  White tail deer and armadillo prints were also found. Neal played a mean game of Frisbee with Tyler.  The kids retired earlier that evening leaving the adults time to get in a few card games.

Saturday morning, Anjuli and Keri went for a 4.5 mile run on paved, hilly trail and spotted a few white tailed deer.  It was a little taste of what these two ladies will be doing on the trail run relay they will be doing in fall.

We ended with a nature hike and learned about the invasive and native flora. Saw the old ruins of a cabin home that was used in the late 1800s to mid 1900s.

Our family had a great time and have already scheduled our next camping trip with the Hancocks.  Looking forward to it!

S'more goodnes; photo bomb by B.

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