Quote of the Blog

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Neal has just started getting over some illness and has not stopped working.  Keri is fighting a head cold and was busy with a Relief Society activity and training meeting, Nativity Inventory prep, volunteering at the school, and doing her first sub job of the school year--all this week!  She usually is careful about over-scheduling herself but this week it all hit at once. 

Luckily the looming illness was lessening as she got home from her sub job and the family took off for overnight camping at Eisenhower State Park.  We camped with the Hancock family and had a great time.  Neal was pretty amazing setting up camp and getting dinner ready so Keri would only have to set up the bedding and do nothing.  The kids entertained themselves with spiders, fossils, a baby scorpion, rocks, dirt, and soccer.  The Hancocks make good camping buddies.

Neal took the kids to the bathroom during the night at their request but nobody slept through the meltdown the toddler was having one camp over.  I felt bad for the parents, the kid, and for my interrupted sleep. Still, thanks to Neal and good weather, I don't think I have slept that good tent camping in many years.

The next day was much of the same but Anjuli and I took our kids for a walk and went down to the pier and water's edge.  For all the rocks chucked into that lake, I am surprised the water didn't make it over the dam.  They had a blast.

It was getting warm and late in the morning so we all headed home for rest before that evening's Trunk or Treat.  It was a fun getaway and there were plenty of moments of calm and relaxation, even for Neal.

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