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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rhys Turns 2!

First of all, let me say, it was the most pitiful birthday party ever! Rhys was sick on his birthday with a runny nose and cough. Poor guy!

I baked the cake the day before and although it was a bit feminine with the frosting and sprinkle colors, it was what I had on hand. Sophie was very interested in eating birthday cake and Rhys was whining and fussing that this whole birthday experience was even happening. So Mommy blew out the candles and served up the cake. In a whirl of gift wrap, snot, coughs, and chocolaty crumbs, he was soon down for a well needed nap.Happily, he was doing much better after sleep and medication so we went to play in the fountains and watch the water show for the rest of his birthday. See! There's our happy boy!Besides a few falls and scraps, he had a terrific time! He loves playing in the water.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Rhys! We love you very much and couldn't imagine life without you!

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