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Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patty's Day Happenings

Yesterday Sophie used her best cutting and gluing skills to disguise our homemade leprechaun trap. We set it up last night and baited it with a gold coin Sophie had and other items she thought he would enjoy like a bead and small green ball.In the morning, the trap had been sprung but there was no little magical Irish person in sight, only a wee note left by our visitor. He stated that since the kids had tried to play a trick on him he had played a few of his own on them. Sophie was very sad when she realized the leprechaun had taken her gold coin, near tears even.Well, it was not long before we happened upon his tricks. He turned the milk green, turned the dining room chairs backwards, turned an empty trash can upside down, moved Sophie's green shirt to a high shelf in her room, and pre-buckled the seat belts in the car. And yes, magically, that gold coin (rescued from the kitchen trash can) was later discovered under her pillow to her delight (good save parents!).

Sophie's imagination went wild with this leprechaun mischief idea. Anything that even seemed out of place to her had been a trick played by the leprechaun.Later that afternoon we made rainbow cupcakes to enjoy with friends. It was a lot of fun! Maybe we'll catch one next year!


Lois Lane said...

we have been trying for years to catch the leprechaun. Hopefully at least one of us will.

Lisa said...

How'd you do those cupcakes? Way cute!