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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

So, in case you didn't know, it's the coldest it's been in North Texas for about 15 years. Today, at 3:30 p.m., it has now warmed up to a balmy 15 degrees. With both of us being raised in sunny southern California, it's exciting to experience actual weather now that we live in Texas.

This morning we awoke to a chilled house and a nonfunctional heater. So after Neal climbed up into the attic and took a look, he went in to work where it was warm and called for service to come check out the heater. In the meantime, Keri bundled up herself and the kids in layers of clothing and went about business until it was getting quite unbearable, at which point she thought it was a great time to call on some friends and visit them in their warm homes. We had a few offers come our way when Neal posted our situation on Facebook.

Keri packed some things up, added heavy coats, hats, and scarves to the layers, and slowly, ever so slowly drove over to our friends, the Goodes, who live nearby. There were a few dry spots but much of the drive was ice an inch or more thick. Exciting! We made it there and got everyone in the house and stayed for about 4 hours before Neal and repair man had the heater fixed back home. We enjoyed good conversation, warm rooms, and warm chili. Thanks to the Goodes for their hospitality.

When we did leave, it was great to have our friends laugh their tushes off from their door while watching Keri and the kids ice skate across the sidewalk and on the street to get everyone inside the car. It was pretty funny especially because no one got hurt. They are not totally heartless, John did step out to assist.

We made it home with only one fish tail incident that ended quickly and well. Keri kept the drive between 10-15 mph. Now our home is toasty and welcoming again which we are grateful for especially because it will hit 9 degrees tonight. There are actually kids outside our front window pushing each other along the icy sidewalks in laundry baskets. We may occasionally get snow here but there is ne'er a hill to be found in flat North Texas so sleds are not in abundance.

The Super Bowl is going to be held in Dallas this year, for those of you who live under a rock. Everyone was worried it would be too cold for a good Super Bowl. But never fear--it should be up to 55 degrees on Super Bowl Sunday. We will gladly be indoors that day.

1 comment:

Kristie K. said...

Glad you have great friends! And even more glad that they aren't totally heartless ;)

Great job Neal getting the heater fixed!!! I love husbands!