Quote of the Blog

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The evil laugh is because I just got my kid to eat a 1/3 cup serving of mashed cauliflower! I called it mashed florets because A.) I didn't have to lie to my child that way, and B.) although her exposure to it has been limited, she knows what "cauliflower" is and is not a fan. I didn't call it mashed potatoes because I did not want her to expect it to taste like mashed potatoes. Just a scant teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and a bit of salt and pepper and my cunning plan was complete! Her bowl was clean! She even accepted it as a snack food! Bwahahahaha! Bwahahahaha!

Now, what else can I mash? :-) And why aren't husbands this gullible?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Ha ha! That is awesome. Quite clever. Actually makes me hungry thinking about it with parmesan cheese....