Quote of the Blog

Monday, January 10, 2011

Abominable Snow Boy

Well Sophie was ready to go out in the snow right after breakfast but by the time I stalled for the sun to rise a bit more and got myself and kids in proper winter attire it was 9 a.m. This was Rhys' first go at the snow. Last year he was just a little guy and my mom took him out in her arms for a few minutes to see it fall.

He started out pretty content enjoying the scene around him. He walked through it and stood there and was quite agreeable. Isn't he a cutie!?
And then it happened...he toppled forward a bit and in catching himself, his mittens hit the snow. His mittens got snow all over them. You would have thought the world had ended. Quite livid!Don't you see the snow on my mittens?! How could you let this happen?! You good-for-nothing!
Just look at them, Mom! I'm not a polar bear, you know! I will get you for this! Can you say matricide?! Well, I can't yet, but I am SO thinking it!It really only lasted maybe 30 seconds, but at this point I had to stop taking pictures and act like a mom for fear the neighbors were all looking out their windows.

Then we were off on our snow walk.
Sophie should be bloated for all the snow she has ingested over the last day. Rhys gave it a try but was happiest to just observe the snow.
In the back yard Neal's water lily pot had frozen over and the kids were experimenting with the ice until their mittens got truly wet, eagerly ending their time outdoors in the snow. Brrr!


Lois Lane said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! LOVE IT! and yes your boy is absolutely edible!

Heidi said...

Ok, those pictures of Rhys crying made me laugh out loud! That may be heartless, but he's so darn cute!