Quote of the Blog

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sophie and Rhys Quirks

A few days ago, Sophie was squeezing her bath toys to get the water out of them. Keri said, "You are squeezing hard!" to which she replied, "I'm using my muscles!"

Love when Sophie puts her Easter hat on and swings it off with a big cowgirl, "Yay-haw!" Not Yee-Haw.

Our fiercely independent girl's favorite phrase is "I do it by myself!" If we pull her pants down to use the potty she will pull them back up just to pull them down while informing us, "I do it by myself!"

Rhys is clapping! He just bust out a top front tooth.

1 comment:

Michelle- A look at our lovely life said...

Your kids are so cute! I hear you about the "I do it myself!" thing. Hallie will totally re-do everthing we do (whilst chewing us out).