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Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Keri Loves Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

We took a brief walk on our neighborhood streets again today and while Rhys took in a bit of sun and fresh air, Keri and Sophie were pointing out discoveries to each other. Here is what we saw and talked about on today's walk:

Things Sophie felt were worthy of collecting in her pockets and toy baby stroller:
  1. acorns, acorn tops, twigs off acorn tops, and a cracked acorn (talked about how the parts went together and that squirrels eat them for food but we do not).
  2. a wood chip (talked about how trees are made of wood)
  3. tiny flowers found in grass (one yellow, one purple. She actually picked the first and presented it to her doll, saying "Here you go, baby." Talked about little and big).
  4. a brown oak leaf

Things that were neat-o but best left where they were:

  1. mud (talked about water + dirt = mud)
  2. kitty turd
  3. a live dragonfly
  4. toadstool (new vocab)

Nature rocks! And so does motherhood!

1 comment:

Bethann said...

I am so glad that my yard provided Sophie the opportunity to learn a new word. (by the way my dear hubby picked 167 on wed and 76 on thurs- he says he is done and the whole yard can just be toadstools now)