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Sunday, August 23, 2020

First Bee Sting!

 August 19th, a bee flew up my pants and I sensed it so I carefully walked away from the hive without bending that leg and tried to figure out if there was one in there. I didn't see or feel one so I started to walk back to the hive, and as I bent my knee a bee pressed between the fabric and knee took aim. I dropped trou so fast and scrapped that stinger out like a pro! Sophie kept an eye on me but no dangerous reaction. My maternal grandfather, an entomologist, was allergic. I remember him quickly coming in from the back porch of his cabin and filling a syringe and giving himself a shot. When I asked mom about it she told me that he was deathly allergic to bee stings. My welt lasted a week.

One week later, I felt a bee up my pant leg AGAIN! I did my stiff legged walk away from the hive and prayed I wouldn't be stung on top of the other sting. I untied my pants at the waistband and took a searching look down my drawers and leg. I could see it and thankfully it simply found it's way up the pants and out the waist as I held it open for it. Whew! I tuck my pants into my boots now.

Here is Jolene, our queen bee, marked with blue and named for my sister who is an amazing human being. She is one of the strongest women I know and that because life has not been easy but she has continued to do her best and hold tight to her relationship with her Savior to get through it. Also, she is funny. Humor is always a big plus. So, Queen Jolene!

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