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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Severe Storm

On Saturday, March 23rd, Neal participated in a morning CERT drill and was put in charge of assigning manpower to the areas of need. It went well and that was good because...
the very next day, a severe storm hit Allen.

We thought it would go north but then a hook formed and the storm was bringing golf ball-size hail. Neal had us put on our shoes and get in the storm closet and called his dad to check on us in 10 minutes if we did not call back in that time. We were calm but the kids were crying because we did not put all the cats in the closet with us. We could hear the hail beating down and just kept waiting to hear if it would crash through the skylight.  After a few minutes, it was past us and we contacted Rudy. The kids went out on our covered porch to see the size of the hail while we called and texted friends to make sure they were okay. About 10 minutes after we left our closet Neal got the call from CERT and left.

He ended up working the evening in the same exact position.  We found out that less than a mile away many homes were damaged from heavier and larger hail, as the tornado never developed. There was hail that had gone through car windows, house and store windows, and roofs. There was flooding in some homes. Lots of debris from the trees too. Really sad for those families. I worked a sub job the next day in a neighborhood that was affected and the kids were talking about it. One said that nobody got much sleep because of having to deal with the damage and he had to walk to school because of the broken windows and glass in their car.

Grateful to be protected this time and to have a husband that is very educated on severe weather and is a blessing to our community along with all the other emergency personnel and trained citizens.

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