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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Rhys Makes A Break For It!

So I got off work a couple minutes early so I went home to change into more comfortable clothes before picking up the kids and got a phone call saying Rhys had fallen off the play equipment and his arm was in a bad way. Fast forward and Neal and I are in the ER at Children's in Plano because we alread learned from his first break (right arm) to not use our local ER. After some drugs and x-rays he had a diagnosis of a broken radius and was splinted up to be put in a cast later.

A big thank you to our friend Kari and her mom, Kim, for taking my Sophie at a moments notice so I could focus on Rhys. A big thank you to awesome bosses who let Neal leave work to join us at the hospital.
Neal taking a photo to share with his boss!

On the following Monday, we were to have him put in a cast (he'd already chosen Christmas colors) when the orthopedist said it was a very small break and he was more concerned with the swelling as he believes Rhys momentarily dislocated his elbow but that it had snapped back into place by the time the x-rays were taken so...no cast but it's still a break. They want him using the arm so it doesn't get frozen up. He's not in any pain and is doing fine. We just need to have him wear his sling when in public so others don't rough house with him while he heals.

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