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Saturday, March 19, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

We were hoping they'd forget but 5 minutes before bed time they remembered and made a leprechaun trap. The light blue, opened plastic Easter egg held paper "gold" coins. They hoped he'd jump to get the coins and fall into the pot. Inside the pot is a pencil and questionnaire to indicate if the leprechaun was a boy or girl.
 Pretty shabby work, if you ask me, but given the time constraints, not bad. I was already prepared with to turn it down a few notches this year no matter if they remembered or not and had easy thing prepared.
We acted as if the leprechaun, Troy, seemingly overlooked their trap, leaving a note about how nice they were to not attempt trapping and left some gifts--shirt, scarf, and a jar of huge pickles.

In our master bedroom. Coincidentally, my favorite wall too.
 Sophie actually started to pout and cry at the breakfast table because the leprechaun had not messed up the house as in previous years. Really?! With some sharp input from her mother she turned it around pretty quick. They had a good day at school and Rhys even pinched me before he got out of the car for school.  I made sure I was wearing a bit of green after that.
Pinch-proof perfect!

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