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Monday, July 27, 2015

Sophie's Baptism

What a special day! This was something we did our best to prepare you for by teaching from the beginning the gospel in our home.  Even with our weaknesses, God helped enlarge our abilities as parents with the Spirit, Family Home Evenings, Primary teachers, and weekly church attendance. We hope you will keep on the path that you have begun to travel because we want your happiness to be full. Congratulations for making those covenants with your Heavenly Father.
Knudsens, Hardcastles, Garvins, Aunt Kira, Oma and Opa, Grandma, Bones, Monica Burns, Mansells, Lynne Baber, Petrina Steele, Betty Moffitt, Flemings, Schulzes, Marque Crandal, Joy Ruge (not pictured), McCreas, Huffs, Bishop Wilson (behind the camera).
Confirmation participants: Bishop Ed Wilson, Tyler Hancock, Chris Huff, Carter Garvin, Chad Knudsen, Neal

Ms. Steele, your second grade teacher spoke on the Holy Ghost.

Your school pals Sadie McCrea and Braylynn Scultz came to support you.

Both Aunt Kira and Grandma flew in to be part of your baptism. Grandma opened your baptism with prayer and your brother offered the closing prayer.

You chose the colors and wording for your cake--Choose the Right
The day before, I stole a few minutes away with you in your room and let you know that your Heavenly Father and your parents were pleased with the choice you had made. I shared how excited we were because baptism opens the door to so many other important blessing in this life and the next.  That was our special moment and you took it seriously and gave me a sweet smile.

Later after the baptism, while helping you change out of your wet clothes, I asked how you felt and you said, "Wet!" 

There was a luncheon following for a select few. You received gifts such as a bracelet from Aunt Kira, a necklace from the Knudsens, and note pads and hair accessories from Braylynn. Grandma gifted you the white dress.

You wore that dress to church the next day and was privileged to join the bishopric on the stand. You didn't wiggle or pick your nose or anything so we were pretty proud as parents.

I pray you will always grow your testimony and live to listen to and obey the Spirit. If you do, I know you will be fine no matter what life brings.  Keep that eternal perspective, Sophie. It will bless you in so many of life's decisions and bring happiness to you now and in the life to come. I love you BIG, my beautiful daughter!  You shine inside and out!

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