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Friday, May 29, 2015

Whoops! (Maybe)

So after a couple very busy weeks, we got home from church Sunday afternoon, ate dinner, and promptly drove Rhys to the ER.  Yep! A broken arm.  Less than 24 hours away from the family swim party at Oma and Opa's to celebrate his birthday!

After dinner Neal and I went to lie down and let the kids empty the dishwasher before we came back to do rinse and load it again.  Maybe 5 minutes in, bang and screaming.

Keri scooped up Rhys and sat him on the island, in tears and wailing. Then a visual of his arm made it all quite clear. "Oh, that's not right."  And Neal swooped him up and got him in the car and we were off!

Sophie's Story: It was an accident! He fell off the counter.
Rhys' Story: Sophie wouldn't listen when I told her 'no'! But she pulled the thing she wanted from me and I fell off the counter (and onto the open dishwasher door below).

Long story short: First ER took crappy x rays, possible shattered elbow, amazing EMTs and an ambulance ride to Children's Hospital, better x rays, common break--not shattered elbow, splint, crappy night of sleep in hospital, surgery in the morning, recovery, severe weather passes over delaying our discharge by 2-3 hours. Why? I don't know. Home, prescriptions, pizza, bed. thank goodness.

Okay, really the EMTs deserve more mention.  They caught on quick that this little guy loves superheros and referred to him as Superman and asked him all sorts of questions about his superhero friends, and other important facts--favorite color, school subject. So besides the medical info, they had a lot to report to the receiving Children's hospital. Before they put him in they turned the lights on to show him and when he was in, they turned on the siren for a brief stint, although there was clearly no need. They totally rocked!

Thanks for prayers and well wishes from so many, visits from home teachers, and cards and goodies from friends, and a BIG thank you to Oma and Opa for caring for Sophie-- an active girl who was without a brother to entertain her. You made what was a stressful time quite a bit less, well, stressful.

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