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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Great Weather but Rainy Days

This year isn't over yet and already Neal and I are understanding the value of saving for a rainy day. Boy, Oh Boy! We've had both cars worked on due to an unexpected slide on ice and hail damage, the roof done because of hail damage, the oven die (but fortunately replaced with a $80 one off craigslist), the treadmill die, the garage door die (and replaced), we recently ordered glasses for Rhys, our van is due for new tires, and the fence needs repair! Yikes! Someone get us an umbrella already!  It seems like it is pouring pretty hard but I know it could be worse.

Thankfully, we have car, home, and medical insurance. The Craigslist oven find was a blessing. I can run outside for several more months without losing my will to move my body.  A bit overwhelming? Yes.  Doable? Yes, so far. Would I rather be getting a pedicure on a cruise ship? Yes.

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