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Monday, July 22, 2013

Our 11th Annivesary Rescheduled

So the night before our 11th anniversary of blissful marriage we began squabbling over what to do and the details of it because neither of us had taken any time to actually plan and communicate our thoughts with the other.  Perfect way to honor our marriage, I know, but this is real life people!  So the next morning we woke to a little boy with a high fever and all our unplanned plans were off!  I proposed instead of being unhappy with our marital communication skills and present circumstances, that we just move our anniversary out a week.  Neal readily agreed.  Good for us!

A week later we dropped the kids off at Oma and Opa's house and we were off to Paris!  Paris, TX that is!  A couple hours east was our destination but we took roads less traveled and made stops at historical markers along the way.  We had a great time!  Talked about painting the bedroom, future travel plans, where to live when we retire someday, and just had fun planning and dreaming together.

Upon arriving at Paris we headed straight for the petite replica of the Eiffel Tower topped with a red, 10 gallon cowboy hat! The Tower was made by metal workers using scrapes for fun and the hat was added later for some sort of advertisement or event, but never removed.  This from a local school board member and 18 year resident of Paris, Charles Osborne. 

We met him just a few feet from the tower at the adjacent Veteran's Memorial, which was still under construction.  It was huge, beautiful, and thought provoking and only half of it was laid out and completed.  Charles was taking to a friend near three paver stones honoring his family members and himself.  I asked if he was Charles and then shook his hand and thanked him.  We enjoyed a long conversation about his experience coming home from Vietnam and how just recently in the past few years he had felt gratitude from his fellow countrymen.  It was interesting to hear his perspective and personal account--one of the highlights of the trip.

Following this stop, we headed out to the local cemetery and viewed another quirky attraction, a statue of Jesus wearing cowboy boots!  This is what people say it is but I don't think it is a statue of Christ but a maiden leaning on a cross.  Anyhow it was still fun.
Next we had lunch at a good burger joint called Jaxx and toured some antique stores. We took less traveled route home and enjoyed a lighting storm, mostly in the distance on our way.  Thanks to Oma and Opa for loving on our babies while we celebrated our marriage.

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