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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Jollies

This year Sophie gave a lot of input on how the Leprechaun trap should be constructed.  We decided as a family that if we used duct tape and turned it sticky side up that the wee green fellow might step on it and get, well, stuck.  Sophie, who loves hotels passionately now that we have been on a few family trips, decided that a hotel was just the thing to lure in our leprechaun.  She made a Hotel sign and we posted enticing banners reading "soft beds" and "free breakfast" to draw him in.

Sadly he thwarted our efforts AGAIN!  So disappointing.  But we were easily distracted by all the mischief he left behind: unscrewed light bulbs in the dining room, Sophie's and Rhys' clothes hanging in each other's closets instead of their own, green milk and oatmeal, the car was parked sideways in the driveway, rainbow paper chains in the living room and coloring book pages colored green, and messages on their bathroom mirror. Craziness we tell you!

Keri puts a few drops of green food coloring in the bottom of their cups the night before so that when she pours the white milk in front of them they are in awe of the green results.

Both wore a bit 'o green to church that day and happily no one was pinched.

Maybe next year we'll be lucky!

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