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Friday, February 15, 2013

Love Struck!

We spent this week feelin' and spreadin' some love.  We started by making large heart cutouts and writing in BIG words WE LOVE, or WE Treasure, or We CHERISH so and so.  Then we snuck up and, with friendly painter's tape, plastered their front doors with the big hearts and a myriad of little Valentines. We did this too the 14 and 15 year old young women in our church and a friend of the kids'. 

We also baked two types of cookies and decorated them.  The kids had never done cut out sugar cookies before and I felt they were both old enough to enjoy the process and they did.  They turned out great! Mommy iced the cookies and the kids added the sprinkles and red hots for decoration.  We made a little bag of them tied with red ribbon and the cute hand print Valentines and delivered them to Sophie and Rhys' Primary (Sunday school) teachers.

By Valentine's Eve we had all the kids Valentines signed and sealed with candy or stickers attached and the party goodies we had volunteered to bring--gummy bears and cookies by their book bags.  Rhys was so excited about going to the store to shop for the cookies earlier in the week and later was very adamant that he carry them into his preschool. As soon as he saw his teachers he exclaimed, "COOKIES!" 

But back to the a.m.! I was awakened by the dainty bellow of dear Sophie when she exclaimed in her might, "Happy Valentine's Day!" to the still dark and silent household. That was at 6:15 when Neal had snuck back into the house with flowers, a bunch for each of his beloved family members. 

After getting them in vases and giving Neal his card, and thank yous and kisses we started on breakfast--French toast with cutout hearts, strawberries and syrup.

With both kids in school, Neal and I enjoyed a couple's lunch at a crepery and had savory crepes for lunch and split a sweet Nutella and banana crepe for dessert.  Then Keri was off to the kids' Valentine parties.

There was an excellent sugar buzz to be had at either party and both kids got plenty of goodies with their Valentine cards as well.  Keri took them home a few minutes early and then we were off to the park to burn off the buzz, well, that is if there hadn't been all those frosted, sprinkled cupcakes.

A fellow mom suggested the park and cupcakes and all we other moms brought frosting, candy, and sprinkles to really help our kids cross the line into nausea.  But no vomiting and and hour later, we all had a good time and were on our way back home for our fancy Valentine dinner--not that anyone had any hunger.  We even spotted a hot air balloon near us that went past our back yard.  We could even hear them increasing the flame from where we were at!

With Neal's arrival home we sat at our fancily decorated dining room table with balloons attached to each child's chair, tablecloth, cloth napkins, flowers, candlelight, and hearts scattered about. Dinner was fancy turkey hot dogs on whole wheat buns with Valentine red ketchup, baked beans (homemade and delish!), and spinach and strawberry salad with strawberry vinaigrette.

We ended with frosted cookies followed by a bath with flower soap sprinkles.

It was a great week of fun!

1 comment:

Elsie Park said...

What an AWESOME Valentine's day for one AWESOME family! Bet you were all exhausted after it was all over though - LOL -