Quote of the Blog

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Preparing for the New School Year

One of the many thing we have been doing to prepare our children for the start of school is special Family Home Evenings (FHE).  This month we have been teaching our children and discussing the topics of peer pressure, learning in the home, and learning at school at each FHE.  All this leading up to the most special FHE that we did this past Monday evening. 

We opened with prayer and sang "Families Can Be Together Forever."  Then I read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn. 
This is a dear story of a little raccoon going of to school for the first time and it discusses the feelings that both child and parent may have.  I edited to fit our family--replacing words that implied the children were "scared" to words that were more appropriate like excited and curious. I didn't mention the little raccoon was crying and I included the Daddy in the story.

In the story, the Mama places a kiss in the center of the child's hand as a reminder throughout his school day, that he is loved.

We talked to them about how we are happy and proud of them and that we love them.  Then Neal took Sophie and Rhys, in turn, placed his hands on their heads and gave them each a father's blessing.  We are very blessed to have a father and husband that honors his priesthood and serves his family and others.

We ended the FHE with prayer and enjoyed specially made cookies for a treat.  As parents, we are grateful for the inspired program of FHE.  It blesses our lives and strengthens our family.
We bought the book and will read it at the beginning of each school year whether they are 5- or 22-years-old.  It is a wonderful tradition that communicates that they are cherished, we are on their side, and when things are rough out in the big, wide world, their home is a soft place to land.

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