Quote of the Blog

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


First some Rhys quirks.  He likes his little figures to play with (pirate, dino, and the like) but he is using his imagination so much that he no longer needs them because he has two characters with him wherever he goes--his hands!  The makes them talk to each other, crashes one into the other, and has a great time for several minutes.  We'll find him doing this in the back seat of the car during a lengthier ride, or, to our chagrin, in church, making all the necessary sound effects quite loudly.  We can't put his toys away to quiet him--they are attached!
He has moved from calling us mama and dada to Mommy and Daddy. Neal and I gladly answered to mama and dada but we are loving our new titles and watching our son mature and develop.
In other news, we met with the school district this week and completed all the legal paperwork for Rhys to begin speech therapy services at the start of next school year. We voiced our input and had them write it in the minutes to be sure we were heard.  It was a positive experience for us as parents and the school team seems to be in tune.   That school will have a new speech therapist next year, as the amazingly awesome one that assessed Rhys is retiring.  I hope his therapy group and speech therapist will be able to get some work done given his captivating good looks.  It's a curse to be that adorable.

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