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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Trot and Thanksgiving Activities

We were out the door early this Thanksgiving morning to participate in the Dallas 5K Turkey Trot. It was foggy and a chilly 46 degrees!

It was a mad house!  Approximately 38,000 people had registered to run BEFORE race day.  It was crazy running, trying to find holes between walkers, darting parking meters, and avoiding dog leashes.  It was also fun to run in those conditions and with a bunch of turkeys--really, people dressed for the occasion.

Keri ran the entirety and made the time she expected.  She was happy to be cheered at the finish line by family (Oma and Opa, Kira (Neal's sis) and David) and friends (the Garvin family).

The Garvins made her a sign!
It was great to be able to accomplish this goal a year after finishing chemotherapy for skin cancer.  Heavenly Father has blessed us with health and we are truly grateful.

Back at home we spent the afternoon having our non-traditional Thanksgiving feast--Indonesian food!  Everyone pitched in and the eating was good!

Afterward we hung out ant chatted and the topic turned to techy stuff as it often does in our family.  They even got out the scale to compare their phones' weights.  Thanksgiving fun at its best!

 Then we went for a nice walk before it got dark.  When we got back we did a few family photos.
We fooled around a bit more and lost one to exhaustion--on the bathroom floor of all places..
Before sending his sister off to bed, we sat and read all the notes that had been placed in the "thankful jar" that week.  Our family has been greatly blessed and it is great to feel our Heavenly Father's love. 

It was a fun day and we were all pretty tired by 8 p.m. which just goes to show we are getting old.  But we had a great time with our family and friends and made some memories.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving too!


Kristie K. said...

You look beautiful!!! Love the signs the Garvins made. And you little prince sleeping so funny!

maru said...

u have a beautiful family!!!nice blog!