Quote of the Blog

Thursday, June 30, 2011

He's got "Dad"itude!

Neal is a kind, loving, patient, and fun husband and father. We love him so much we wanted to surprise him with something he had expressed interest in doing.  So to celebrate Father's Day, he was awakened at 5:00 in the morning the Saturday before. Keri had planned a fun day for the family. She handed her groggy husband a can of bug repellent with a sticky-note attached saying, "You're gonna need this!" Then told him to get dressed in the clothes she had laid out for him while she got the kids up, dressed, and in the car. After a short stop at the local donut shop we were on the road. We got to our destination after about an hour just south of the OK/TX border.

We were the third to arrive at Bailey's Berry Patch and were soon picking thornless blackberries in the morning sunlight with the kids tagging along. In about an hour and a half or so we were leaving with nearly a 5 quart bucket of berries.

The blackberries were pretty much picked clean by the city folk after an hour so I was glad we got there early as instructed by the owner. There were still loads of people coming in to get started as we left. They would have to fill their buckets with the other wonderful option still remaining, blueberries.

Then we were on the road for another 30 minutes or so when we came upon fiberglass statues in the middle of nowhere, which, might I add, was right next to the Red River Peach Orchard we picked at next.
This time the orchard offered a wagon for us to haul the peaches and kids--a lot less whining this way! There was a nice breeze so it didn't seem too hot. After a lemonade stop we were on our way home.
The real "peach" in this photo is Neal!
That afternoon we made low sugar blackberry peach jam. Yum! It was fun and tiring. We were refreshed by joining Oma and Opa for a swim and dinner at their house. It was a terrific day and a fun, new experience.

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