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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Western Heritage Festival

Yeeeeeeehaw! We attended the Texas Stampede Western Heritage Festival twice today! This morning we saw a blacksmith and a farrier at work, visited the petting zoo, and cheered on Sophie in the Stick Horse Rodeo!
Both kids loved the petting zoo. Rhys was not afraid of the animals and seemed to be a fan of the baby pigs. Sophie and Rhys fed the animals. Sophie noted that feeding them "tickles."
This is Sophie and her friend from preschool, Ben. They are waiting for the Stick Horse Rodeo. Sophie was chosen to participate in the color guard and lead the parade around the arena (see video).

It was like a real little rodeo from start to finish. Sophie did the barrel race. She threw the required figure 8s out the window and free styled it. That's our cowgirl! She got a shiny blue ribbon for doing such a good job.After naps for the kids and mommy, we returned to the festival for the Mutton Bustin' event. For those of you who don't know what that is, let us explain. First you sign your own precious child's life away for liability reasons, then you put that child on a sheep and say "hang on" and let them go.

When Sophie woke up from her nap, Keri asked, "Do you want to go ride a sheep?" and our sweet, unknowing girl thought that was a great idea.Yep, that's our little cowgirl on the back of that sheep. He jetted straight out and then took an immediate turn until Sophie and the sheep met up with the railings of the arena. They didn't hit hard but thank goodness for that helmet. I loved it when the announcer told the staff to "scrape her off." It was over is seconds. The adults were always quick to help the kids up.
She loved it! No tears, just excitement. And you can bet your boots she got another shiny blue ribbon! We are so pleased that she is willing to try things and be a bit of a dare devil sometimes.

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